Of All the Things - Dennis Lambert

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Dennis Lambert Lyrics

I have always admired this song, not to mentioned its lovely lyrics. This is one of those songs that will keep on buzzing my ears for hours and hours and still my heart will long to hear more of it. I want it non-stop at times.

Today, while I'm in front of my computer, nursing a burned fingers from an accident spill last night, this song played. The song suddenly made me think of a person who was hurt more than what I am feeling right now because of the previous accident. I am thankful this is all I got from my carelessness but I felt sorry for those who met an accident or are feeling much worse than I do, they'd wish they're rather dead.

I haven't been in such situation but as I have always been declaring, I would willingly take a bullet for someone. I just hope this time won't come but if it did... if it does happen... I'd be more than willing to take this bullet for my loved one. Because I think I can handle it better if I am the one in pain than seeing other people dying with pain. While I was at the Emergency Room last night, I saw a patient who was near shouting because of the pain. One patient was in a wheelchair who was half-conscious. I tried to suppress my own pain and imagine I was them. Then I asked myself... if it happened to me, will somebody take the bullet? I could hardly guess. It doesn't really matter as long as I know, and I let them know that I will do it -I will do it for him.

As the song says, "of all the things I ever wanna do, I think I'll stop and end with loving you" to let them know that I love them. But for all the things I ever done... (and I will ever do) I'd rather have a part of you than all of my so-called friends... (or lovers).

This is the song, I hope you will all appreciate it. :-p

Of All The Things - Dennis Lambert

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