Welcome 2010

We are now approaching the twilight of the New Year and as soon our calendars change, so as our family, our friends, our job, our dreams, our memories. Year by year, we realize our accomplishments in life; we add new people to our circle of friends, we gain more memories, pictures are piling, yearbooks accumulate more dusts as it lies there in our book shelves. The coming year will definitely add more value to those we consider precious.You know what is the most precious thing on earth no money...

Bilog na Hugis Itlog - Sexbomb Dancers

Guys, I just remembered writing about this song to let you know how busy I was the previous weeks before Christmas. A team was tasked to survey the polling precincts in relation to the forthcoming Philippine 2010 Presidential election and beyond (because Senators, Congressmen down to th town level of Mayor and Councilors will be voted.) I was fortunate to be chosen as one of the site surveyors. So we go to COMELEC for the briefing and how to do's then off we go to the polling precincts.We were just there to check the road...

Mga Kababayan Ko - Francis Magalona

"Three stars and the sun" that was the kind of t-shirt design my friend from the USA was looking for. I was asked to search or look for a shirt like that. It should be easy, I thought, because eversince this famous Pinoy rapper passed away, T-shirts printed with his face or some ornaments that would compliment his songs were largely circulated among the local artists and of course to the can-afford public. I was shocked to learn that such a shirt costs as much as 3 or 4 times the amount you could...

Merry Christmas to All

I have been away for a while but here is a song for everyone.As my friend Hugh said, let us just all hope... that the world peace is attainable. We also hope and pray for peace in our country and that violence that the coming 2010 election brings will be halted is not minimized.And, as my favorite movie says, "when someone does something for you, don't pay it back, PAY IT FORWARD" and we could see that this one world is the best place for all of us, without boundaries, without hatred, without division.Here...

Push It - Salt n Pepa

My friend wrote to me the other day telling me how worried he was when he heard about the flood that happened here in the Philippines. We used to work together, you know. This was one of the songs he sent me via email while I was "trying to push" the agents get more job done during our shift. We worked together in a call center business. He represented our client and we regularly talked on the phone. I had to leave work and pursue my law school. We parted ways but remained to be friends. All I have...

Losing my Religioin - R.E.M

This song was introduced to me by my brother. I became more familiar with it and REM because of my borther. He used to be a fan, when we were still in colleg, I just don't know if it still stands true today. I can not recall the latest hit made by REM, and I mean like 2009 hit or song release. I am not really a wide fan, I am just familiar with them particularly with this song. What was it like losing my religion? It was not a secret that I once lost my faith, so to speak. I neglected my religious...

Emanuel - Bukas Palad Music Ministry

Today is the first of December and we are now on the first week of Advent. This was the first Christmas song I learned from my community that I love so much. My community, Ang Lingkod ng Panginoon, was so welcoming when I joined the choir or the Music Ministry.What is so memorable for me about this Christmas song is my appreciation of the "voices" in music. They are the soprano, alto, tenor and bass. I am one of the altos. We sang this song in four voices before although I still don't have an appreciation of such arrangement...

November Top10 EC Droppers

I am taking this space to thank my EC droppers who really took time to religiously visit my blog.Thanks to all of you and I long to reciprocate your generosity. In the meantime, let me show my appreciation for your unending support to my blog experience.More Power fellow bloggers!TOP10 EC DROPPERS FOR NOVEMBER 2009Guitarbench.comRants, Thoughts, and Other ThingsLosing Weight IntentionallyMusic AsiakAyESuccess 4 Healthy LifeGeneral IllarteracyTyson Chaney's Life 2000kala-enanFree Mov...

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