Trying to get the Feeling Again - David Pomeranz

This is a Barry Manilow orginal song, I guess. I heard this from one of his albums but David Pomeranz sang this when he had a concert here in our city (Dagupan City) maybe in 2000 or 2001. It was my birthday when we watched his concert.This song particularly caught my attention because it is the main reason why I claim to myself that love is like a flower which needs nourishment everyday. I thought back then that as long as you say "I Love You" to the one you love, everyday, nothing would go wrong. But something still has...

Always a Woman - Billy Joel

by BLOGTESTWhen I heard this song, it reminded me of my "sweetheart". Every line of its lyrics describes her in so many ways. It's like a painting or a photograph that captured all the aspects that I liked and disliked about her. She isn't perfect but she almost perfected me. Except that she dumped me. That is the meanest way of saying it and she's mean too, but I liked her. Weighing all her physical, emotional and spirtiual aspects, all her good attributes keep coming back. The bad ones do return but I laugh about them...

Love Is All Around - Wet, Wet, Wet

This song primarily reminds me of the movie Four Weddings and a Funeral. I must be candid, I really did not like the movie nor give it a 5 rating like I would do to Pay it Forward or other movies I enjoyed more than this one. I do not abhor the movie. Perhaps I was just too young to comprehend its message when it was first shown here in the Philippines. I would rather talk about the people who are reminded to me when I hear this song. I love this song more than I appreciate the movie, by the way...So I am reminded by our...

The Gambler - Kenny Rogers

This would be my second blog about a Kenny Rogers' song. This song reminds me of an extended family member who lived with us when I was still younger. He is Johnny but we fondly call him "Emong". He is a certified gambler, I say because there was not a week that he hadn't held a gambling cards or a mah-jong piece. One time this song played and he kinda enjoyed it, even to the point of defending himself saying "see, it's not just me" or to such an extent. There was an implication that he was not alone in this kind of vice,...

One of us - Joan Osborne

There was a time in my life when I was at a loss. I was raised as a Catholic and was religiously following orders of my religion. One point in my life, when I was studying Philosophy at the University of the Philippines, I lost that faith. I would consider it the most awakening moment in my life and this song would always remind me of my slumber from darkness. What if God doesn't exist, I asked myself. What were the events that led to the existence of God? How did God come into being? Is he a being at all? Where does He...

Poorman's Grave - Eraserheads

This is a song of my favorite local band, the Eraserheads. I have always been a fan. The other night I heard my brother-in-law playing the guitar to the tune of this song. It was the first time I heard him play a guitar, albeit short. At least I found out somebody is better than me in playing the guitar (they all do, in fact, because I am still learning to play the guitar.) When I heard him play this, I remembered the song. I think he just likes to play the chords of it then I remembered the lyrics of the song.The message...

You - The Carpenters

This song is one of the many Carpenter songs that I learned from my sister. It was always her who criticized my singing and taught me a lot of songs, really! (Sometimes, she learns from me too, she just can't accept it ;-)I remember singing this a few times before the tone and rhythm of it finally hit me! I wasn't a slow learner, I guess music is such an art where you can't really do it the abstract way at all times. I think despite of it not counted as an exact science (not even science), there...

The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me - Andy Williams

I got the song and lyrics below from Imeem. I want to talk about this song, which is equally lovely with those other love songs I have blogged about. This song reminds me of my second parents -my dad's cousin, who's more than a brother to him. I consider them my second family because they were there when I was growing up, they raised me as their own. They were like parents to me as well.This May, they will be celebrating their wedding anniversary (I think 34 years) and so I remember this song. In my long stint of stay with...

The First Cut is the Deepest - Rod Steward

This is another "first" which I shall be blogging about: The first cut is the deepest...Ever wondered why I believed first love never dies? (from my prvious post)It never dies for me because the memories keep coming back. The first things in our lives are exciting but the most painful ones are of course, curse-worthy (my bad!) I mean, you also would not forget about it like your first broken heart, your first deepest wound, your first dog bite, your first nightmare (I recall my first nightmare!).What I truly loved about...

First Love Never Dies - Boyfriends

I would like to talk about some of my "firsts".My sister and I were bound to Manila sometime ago and music lover as we were, we had an mp3 playing althroughout our journey. One of the songs played was this one:first love never dies - boyfriendsI am very familiar with this song because this was one of our "lunchtime songs". You see, back in high school, after our lunch, we take a nap at our own desks in our classroom. I do not recall who were the rest of our companies then but one person I remember was my friend Agnes (I...

Bakit Nga Ba Mahal Kita - Roselle Nava

[]He told me to listen to this song. He told me this for a number of times. He keeps saying it. Never a day did he fail to do so. It did not sink in. I thought it was too skin deep.Looking back, he said it to me with all his heart. All along he was telling me how much he loved me but I took him for granted. It was too late... very late when I realized what he was trying to tell me. I know I can never have him back as much as I want to but all I'd like to do now is love him back no matter...

Fallin' - Teri Desario

This is such a beautiful love song. Who wouldn't fall in love with it? I really like the first line of its lyrics. Read on....I'm afraid to fly and I don't know why I'm jealous of the people who are not afraid to die It's just that I recall back when I was small Someone promised that they'd catch me And then they let me fall And now I'm fallin... fallin' fast again Why do I always take a fall when I fall in love You think by now I've learnedPlay with fire you get burned But fire can be also warm And that's why I return...

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